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762: How about a magic trick?
How about a magic trick?

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So long, and thanks for all the fish
HA HA! I bet you thought I forgot alllll about Tom Muckface, didn't you!? Well it turns out elephants don't forget and all Australians are secretly elephants. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, geneticists. Bonus ending for those who've read the Killing Joke, because the killing joke barbie playset wasn't threatening bodily harm-y enough. Not much to report on the western front besides The Dark Knight being totally awesome and also there may be some followup strips due to the movie being full of comedy gold, as the scholars had earlier prophecised. Bizarre linkage: Memorable deaths in demonstrated by marshmallow peeps.
Bigger Than Cheeses

IRC log humour at #btc. (For IRC, we recommend mIRC)
<Aldryic> So in the middle of sex, I start crying out my brother's name.
<Aldryic> Haven't heard from her since
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Comic PHP Engine developed by Alex Aberle of Sara and David · Please contact him for this site's technical support.
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