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747: (Mis)carry on abroad
(Mis)carry on abroad

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So long, and thanks for all the fish
Quad Update!
See the second strip
See the third strip
See the fourth strip

Heavy handed drama brought to you by Tom Bruckley. Of course, since I only update weekly now, the internet has had a head start so I naturally had to make four comics. Although these are probably my favourites. Besides, you know, the ones I just made. Anyhoo, things are coming together for Supanova, with buttons and probably A4 or 8x10" prints being available for sale and some free Batman vs Superman booklets for con-goers. There are actually a few more ideas left to go but I've got work in the meat world that needs doing, so you get to wait till later, or maybe till forever because I will forget whatever it is I was going to create in a few short hours. Bizarre linkage: Sith Princesses. Hot? I guess?

Bigger Than Cheeses

IRC log humour at #btc. (For IRC, we recommend mIRC)
[19:38] <helixxo> Oh boy I remember the day my mom told me she had seen "Go - At - Se"
Bigger Than Cheeses
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Comic PHP Engine developed by Alex Aberle of Sara and David · Please contact him for this site's technical support.
Website was designed by Threeboy of TrueNuff.