Bigger Than Cheeses
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So long, and thanks for all the fish
Hey hey! Extra long comic today, because of I said so. If there is some demand, I may at some point make a better copy of panel 7 and put it on a shirt. Seeing as the last one only preordered 2 copies, and thus wasn't enough to print, there will need to be some actual demand instead of "oh yeah I'll buy a shirt, probably, if I get money. Maybe." There's some hot new Woodrow 'n Nat fanart from cheesite Betty, check it out thusly. Seeing as we're past 600, here's the new newness: comic transcriptions! With a little help from you, the reader, you can help fill in the archive search by transcribing comics via clicking on the 'transcribe comic' image underneath every comic except the current one on the main page. Once it's approved, you can do a search for some key word and you'll be able to find that long lost comic about Nat having sex with a goat! I'll also be working on a new flash vote thingy, so fear not true believers. This one shouldn't take too long to animate. In the meantime, here's some bizarre linkage: Postage Paid REVENGE See you in the funny pages
Bigger Than Cheeses

IRC log humour at #btc. (For IRC, we recommend mIRC)
[20:10] <Dane> About 20 years ago, I was going out with a girl that played the Easter Bunny at a local mall.
[20:10] <Dane> She came over after work, and we were having sex.
[20:10] <Dane> In the middle of it (her on top), she popped the bunny head on.
[20:10] <Dane> I'm offically warped for life.
Bigger Than Cheeses
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Web Design by Threeboy
Bigger Than Cheeses Comics � Copyright 2001-2011 by Desmond Seah · Licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Comic PHP Engine developed by Alex Aberle of Sara and David · Please contact him for this site's technical support.
Website was designed by Threeboy of TrueNuff.