HAY ABBOT! I'm back! And assuming no major crapups, this is the last time I'll have to take exams, since this was my last semester. Speaking of crapups: my computer died on the first day of my study, requiring me to reformat and reinstall everything, I got my marks back for my core subject (as in, if I don't pass it, I believe they won't let me graduate) and found I'd gotten 5/15 for my tutorials...which I discover was helped by the fact that the GODDAMN ASSISTANT HADN'T MARKED HALF OF THEM. So now I have to wait for him to reply. For some reason he is in the
opposite side of the country. Anyway, here's some linky buddies!
Phiip of Rabbit Comics has some high quality stuff I am told. And if you're into other high quality stuff, then ra`naali from the
channel has some
auctions on offer which I believe finish on sunday or something. Oh, and speaking of the channel, if you are
mircless or
trillianless...or at work I suppose, you can now get to the chat through this
handy java applet. You'll need some form of java utilising technology to make this work. I was gonna do this months ago, but uni kept getting in the way. Well, I'm dead tired, so drop into the
forum if you're so inclined,
fire off some votes every day to see the new incentives, and
SQUEAKYVOOOOIIICE. I mean, uh, bizarre linkage:
cheesite caricatures
Oh, I've taken to using the livejournal community thing a bit more, notifying early updates and whatnot. So you can do whatever thing livejournallers do to get instant notification and get instant notification of updates! Whatta deal!