In case you missed the last comic, which is quite possible because I forgot to update the variable that tells the server which is the current comic, there's a comic before this one. Yeah. Sorry about that. It went up on friday though, on time as I promised. Anyway, this is the type of comic I make when I stay up till 2am watching Full Metal Jacket and the Gods Must Be Crazy. One's a gritty satire on the dehumanising effects of the military
machine, and the other is some movie about marines in Vietnam. I'm currently working on a new
voting animation hint hint hint. The animation is pretty much done, I just need to clean it up, but I don't know actionscript well enough to make it actually, like, work. So if any of you flash animation experts are experty enough, drop me a line by
email, or leave a little something in the
Livejournal Community or
Cast page updated with a dash of
retcon, and your standard bizarre linkage;