Yeah. I had to do this 108 times. Woo for working on-site. Woo yay 108 freaking computers, ten departments or every computer in five floors of a hospital. Take your pick. Dr Jerk is based on a real person who seemed to geniunely have a problem with me fixing his computer, then also couldn't grasp that I was only there to fix computers and not, say, run errands for him. Jerk. The other people who didn't want me to stop their computers from killing everything in a ten mile radius were just shades of dr jerk. Anyway, I hate doing updates like these because they suck and I hate them. And you. No no, I love you, especially with all that
sexy, luscious voting you've been doing. The list seems to have reset or something, so vote extra hard to grab back our place! Seeing as how today almost killed me, I don't think the wednesday update is looking too good.....but you never know. That's what stolen prescription amphetamines are for. Alright. before I forget
AGAIN, we have a
Wikipedia entry!!! Thanks to super-cheesite
Premeditated Chaos for her fantabulousness! Okay, I'm out.