You're at the beginning of a storyline!
Whoooo! Look at that orange font! Doesn't it just send shivers down your spine? Well it should, as every time you see it, it's usually an exercise in me screwing around. So screw away! Speaking of screwing, way to tell your friends about btc everyone. One thing I asked you!
One thing! The list is down and we've been effectively netting no new readers for the past month, so I asked you to tell a single human person and you couldn't even do that? Yeesh. I guess word of mouth is
dead and I'll have to resort to spamming forums like some punk-ass spritey. Well if you're not too busy
failing me, you might want to note we're back onto MWF updates for a while, but I'll drop back to MF when it suits me.
Failers. And if you didn't catch the daisy joke, read some arthur c clarke. Yeesh. Or, like, rent that movie. The one with the oddysey. Anyway, I'll continue to highlight
other comics and maybe continue providing
Bizarre Linkage to entertain you.
lousy ungrateful little failers