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3: Jesusmaaaaaan, Jesusmaaaaaaaan
Jesusmaaaaaan, Jesusmaaaaaaaan

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So long, and thanks for all the fish
A look back
As I mentioned in the previous post, Jesusman was a joke I had done up previously during a Religion class (I think) to both irritate the teacher, and make people laugh. I later made that doodle into another strip. A lot of my work concerns Christians, mostly because they make themselves such giant, neon targets on the comedic landscape, and they're just so much fun to do. Making Jesus into a superhero just seemed funny to me, although much later on after the fact (actually, about 4 months ago) I found other webcartoons have Jesus superhero characters in them. So much for thinking I was original. I don't know where Violent Bob came from. He was a mix of a bikie, and a pro wrestler in my mind when I drew him.

Search for the replaced btc
Violent Bob AND Jesusman's first appearance! But this would be too easy.

Bigger Than Cheeses

IRC log humour at #btc. (For IRC, we recommend mIRC)
[11:16] <skwerrel> do you enjoy grocery shopping?
[11:16] <Tituba> on their own or with, say, a roomate of sorts?
[11:16] <Samus> yes. yes i do
[11:16] <Samus> i wander around the candy aisle eating free samples
[11:16] <skwerrel> i just meant, are you responsible for your own food purchasing
[11:16] <skwerrel> those aren't free samples samus
[11:17] <Samus> they are to me
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Comic PHP Engine developed by Alex Aberle of Sara and David · Please contact him for this site's technical support.
Website was designed by Threeboy of TrueNuff.