Hey Cheesites. That's your name now. Cheesites. Or Biggots. The poll was a draw, so I guess I'll just alternate calling you either one. I think I have a java test sometime this week. I really should start studying. And a maths thing is due as well. Ah well. New comic....pretty self explanatory. Not really that hilarious, but hey, if it makes you giggle what the hell. Okay, I'm off. Go and visit.
the forum right after you
do your bit for world domin...uh...making me a happy webcomic author and vote vote vote. Today's bizarre linkage isn't all too bizarre, but hilarious; check out Kristofer Straub's (from the incessantly hilarious
Checkerboard Nightmare. I forget what incessantly means, but I just like the incessantly sound of it)
Switch Parody. It's quicktime and about 2 megs.