Pretty self explanatory
Me and Psychomutt's entry into the 2004 Comixpedia Blind Date event
Random art, miscellaneous pieces. Whatever doesn't make it to the comic usually goes here
Frequently asked questions. Not updated regularly
Archived featured comics from the front page. Think of this as a links page, but with less suck.
A collection of all the guest strips I've made
Meet the cast, and find out interesting yet completely useless things
A breakdown of the raelian storyline
Fan art, reader reviews. Comic related stuff you send (or say) to me ends up here.
A subsection of reader input, I think.
Another kinda subsection of reader input
A trip down memory lane! Wheeee!
A little page I slapped up in about 45 seconds
It's like we're on drugs, but we really aren't
Links to other comics. Rotting in spectacular neglect. Read the newspost for any comic links
Meet some of the people who hang around the (now defunct) forums and irc channel. Now with even more broken links!
Take a peek into my notebook
See half completed or alternate versions of strips
See vote incentives from days long past
What doesn't fit into the other pages
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="FILENAME"
alt="My webcomic will knife fight your webcomic">
Just right click the appropriate image and save it to your harddisk, then paste the HTML in, replacing the FILENAME with the filename
Regular Sized (468x60)
Button Sized

Year 5. 1024x768
Year 5. 1280x960
Boxcar Comics Collective Calendar. 1024x768
Boxcar Comics Collective Calendar. 1280x1024
Boxcar Comics Collective Calendar. 1440x900
That :awesome: bastard. 1024x768
That :awesome: bastard. 1280x1024
Comrade Robot. 1024x768
Comrade Robot. 1280x1024
Comrade Robot. 1440x900
Onwards!. 1024x768
Onwards!. 1280x1024
Onwards!. 1440x900
Year 6. 1024x768
Year 6. 1280x1024
Year 6. 1440x900
The John Woo special. 1280x1024
4 minutes to save the world. 1280x1024
Take a peek into my notebook
See half completed or alternate versions of strips
See vote incentives from days long past
What doesn't fit into the other pages