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807: Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna say goodbye

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So long, and thanks for all the fish
Yes, Ricky Martin. Rickyrolling, as I have come to call totally punking people by linking to something, expecting to be Rickrolled and instead having saucy spanish hip thrusting put into their eyeballs. Alllll over their eyeballs. While She Bangs and the Cup of Life both have the right chorusy quality for a Rickyroll, we all know that it's that inital drum snare that makes you realise deep down in your heart of hearts that you've just been Rickrolled. So it's with an official sounding decree, since I have coined the term "Rickyrolling" that I henceforce deem "Livin la vida loca" as the most appropriate song to start off the Rickyrollin' trend. Okay seriously though, this is the link. Notice the annoying screechy car? The burst of trumpets? Perfect for catching unsuspecting prey off guard. Anyway, as usual it's getting late and I've got things to do, and people to see. Bizarre linkage: Will it Blend - live snake edition.


okay fine
Bigger Than Cheeses

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[23:02] <Buttersquatch> Bus Simulator PC DVD NEW & SEALED
[23:02] <Buttersquatch> why would anyone play that
[23:02] <Skizo> Bus School?
[23:02] <Skizo> Press Y to SHUT UP YOU LITTLE BRATS
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