Bigger Than Cheeses
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So long, and thanks for all the fish
I reiterate that Transformers should have swept the Oscars that year for best everything, ever. And that Rodimus is a whiny bitch. Also, I just really really wanted to use "cooter club" in today's comic. Anyway, by my now corrected calculations, thanks to Zach, BTC's 5th birthday is in fact on this wednesday, and not on friday just passed as I originally thought for some strange reason. Five years! That's a long time to be making dick jokes, but somehow I've gone the distance, just like Rocky Balboa, beating up communism with his fist, and other people's fists, into his face. And now that analogy is out of the way, here's your bizarre linkage: How to be Punk! Apparently the answer is not ROCKING THE FUCK OUT, because that would be how to be a totally awesome badass, not punk.
Bigger Than Cheeses

IRC log humour at #btc. (For IRC, we recommend mIRC)
[04:57] <Slack> i remember goon made a comic about the typical outfit for an emo person
[04:57] <Skizo> ;;_;;
[04:57] <Slack> and i looked down at what i was wearing and it was exactly what was in the comic
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Comic PHP Engine developed by Alex Aberle of Sara and David · Please contact him for this site's technical support.
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